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cost difference中文是什么意思

用"cost difference"造句"cost difference"怎么读"cost difference" in a sentence


  • 成本差异
  • "cost"中文翻译    n. 1.费用;代价,价格;成本。 2.牺牲;损害,损失 ...
  • "difference"中文翻译    n. 1.差异,差别。 2.不和,争论。 3.【数学】差 ...
  • "absolute difference in cost" 中文翻译 :    成本绝对差
  • "comparative cost difference" 中文翻译 :    比较成本差异
  • "comparative difference in cost" 中文翻译 :    成本比较
  • "the difference between cost and proceeds" 中文翻译 :    成本和收益之间的差额
  • "use-cost difference" 中文翻译 :    使用成本差
  • "difference between cost and book value" 中文翻译 :    成本与帐面价值差异
  • "difference" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.差异,差别。 2.不和,争论。 3.【数学】差,差额。 4.【逻辑学】特殊性。 There is no difference between them. 两者毫无差别。 the difference of jetsam from flotsam 弃货不同于浮货。 What difference can it make 不是一样吗? He is an artist with a difference. 他是别具风格的艺术家。 distinction without difference 无聊的区别。 make a difference 发生差别;使…有差别;(结果等)是重要的,有关系[影响] (One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬以千里。 Don't let it make any difference. 没关系。 make a difference between A and B 使甲乙有别,对甲乙不一样)。 pay [meet] the difference 付差额金。 seek common ground while reserving differences 求同存异。 settle differences 调停。 split the difference 1. 折中,妥协。 2. 均分剩下的东西。 vt. 〔罕用语〕区别,使有差别。
  • "difference in" 中文翻译 :    在……方面的差别
  • "no difference" 中文翻译 :    忘绝境界
  • "the difference" 中文翻译 :    差别; 老师改变了男孩的人生; 区别
  • "there is no difference" 中文翻译 :    没有差别
  • "difference-in-difference" 中文翻译 :    倍差法
  • "at a cost of" 中文翻译 :    以..为代价,成本为……
  • "at cost" 中文翻译 :    按成本计算; 成本值; 以成本价;按收回成本的原则; 照原价
  • "at no cost" 中文翻译 :    以半价
  • "at the cost of" 中文翻译 :    丧失,牺牲; 以为代价; 以…代价; 以…为代价,牺牲…而获得; 以什么为代价; 以之为代价
  • "cost" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.费用;代价,价格;成本。 2.牺牲;损害,损失。 3.〔pl.〕讼费。 living costs 生活费用,物价。 first [prime, initial] cost生产成本。 at all costs = at any cost 无论如何,不惜任何牺牲。 at cost 照成本。 at sb.'s cost 某人出钱;损及某人。 at the cost of 以…为牺牲,舍…而。 cost and freight 成本加运费〔略作 C.& F.〕。 cost of living 生活费(用)。 cost of living index 物价指数。 cost of operation 管理费用。 count the cost 估计费用;先盘算盘算。 free of cost 免费,(奉)送。 to sb.'s cost 归某人负担,算作某人损失;叫某人受累;某人吃亏后才(as I know to my cost我吃亏后才知道。 I knew it to my cost. 这个我(因吃过苦头)是见而有戒了。 He found to his cost that motoring is dangerous. 他(吃过苦头后才)知道开汽车是危险的)。 vt. (cost; cost) 1.值,要价(苦干);花费,需要。 2.使花费,使损失,牺牲。 3.估定(…的)成本。 vi. 花费,付代价。 It costs five dollars. 值五元,要价五元。 It cost me much labour. 费了我不少劳力。 His ambition cost him his life. 他的野心断送了自己一条命。 cost (sb.) dear(ly) 代价极大,费用极高;闯大祸,吃大亏(If you attempt it, it will cost you dear. 你试试看,一定要吃大亏的)。 cost what it may 不惜任何代价,无论代价多少;无论如何。
  • "cost s" 中文翻译 :    成本函数
  • "no-cost" 中文翻译 :    adj. 〔美俚〕免费的。
  • "on cost" 中文翻译 :    按照成本; 间接费用; 外加成本
  • "cost to cost" 中文翻译 :    成本比例法
  • "cost-to-cost" 中文翻译 :    成本对成本法
  • "difference limen difference test" 中文翻译 :    强度辩差阈差异试验


  • The identification of such possible sources of cost differences will provide useful guidelines for future studies .
  • The effect of regional cost difference on guizhou economic development
  • Study on the method of oil gas - bearing block cost difference analysis and control
  • Comparative cost difference
  • Moreover , the tariff difference is influenced by two factors : the government ' s valuation of social welfare relative to contributions , and the cost difference among the firms
    2 .有两项因素会影响差别性关税税率的距离,其一是本国对社会福利的关心程度,其二是两类厂商的平均成本。
  • After - activity cost control method the author here put forward the analysis of the cost difference . propose the measures to be taken to correct the variation and the operating way of the after activity cost control
  • The level of project management will directly affect the actualization of the goal of investment , schedule and quality , especially for this kind of large - scale project , the cost difference will up to several hundred millions , even to several billions
  • The importance of cost estimating and the analyzing methods of cost construct and cost difference are studied . the methods give the necessary cost information to designer in time which helps to modify design and reduce cost
  • The author believes that the cooperative bidding model of power generation company is likely to be a prisoners " dilemma game , or be a chicken game , or be a boxed pigs game . the type of game lies on the cap of mcp and the costs difference among the generation companies
  • Daily cost control method ( cost control in the process of activity ) employing the accounting cost controlling theory and method with the reality of liaohe oilfield considered , we are able to establish the cost accounting method , cost difference computing method , co rrecting cost difference method and the frame of monitoring cost implementation and alarming difference analysis
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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